VIDEOS eshijar








Rating - 9,5 of 10

countries - USA

170 Minutes

Jenny halloway<3. Sad to say but, this is my first time watching Les Miserables and Woah! This is amazing. I think I've watched the highest standard 😍😍😍. I love it.


Posted on Nov 1, 2019, By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels (Updated on Nov 4, 2019) It has just been announced that Les Miserables: The All-Star Staged Concert  is set to hit the big screen in early December. The concert-style production stars Carrie Hope Fletcher, Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, and Matt Lucas and closes on Saturday, 30 November at London's Gielgud Theatre. The production was created to help bridge the gap for the original Les Mis production, which had to close due to the Queen's Theatre 's planned refurbishment and but still wished to retain its theatre record for the non-stop, longest-running West End musical.  Les Miserables   will return to the Sondheim Theatre (formerly the Queen's Theatre) on 18 December 2019. Les Miserables The All Star Staged Concert will be broadcast live on the silver screen in the UK, Ireland, and US this December! Les Miserables  staged concert to be screened live in cinemas on 2 December! A special one-off screening of the all-star staged concert of Les Miserables will take place across the UK, Ireland and in various cinemas in the USA.   Delfont Mackintosh Theatres   have also announced a DVD and album release for early 2020 and that the sell-out production will tour nationwide across the UK and internationally in late 2020 and 2021. The all-star Les Mis concert production stars  Alfie Boe  as Jean Valjean,  Bradley Jaden  as Enjolras,  Carrie Hope Fletcher  as Fantine,  Katy Secombe  as Madame Thénardier,  Lily Kerhoas  as Cosette,  Matt Lucas  as Thénardier,  Michael Ball  as Javert,  Rob Houchen  as Marius, and  Shan Ako  as Eponine. Who is starring in the return of  Les Mis  at the Sondheim The main production of Les Miserables is set to return to the newly renamed and renovated Sondheim Theatre on 18 December. Carrie Hope Fletcher, Shan Ako, and Lily Kerhoas are set to reprise their roles from the staged concert production whilst Jon Robyns will star as Jean Valjean, Bradley Jaden will star as Javert, Gerard Carey will star as Thénardier, Harry Apps will star as Marius, Josefina Gabrielle will star as Madame Thénardier, and Ashley Gilmour will star as Enjolras. Rachelle Ann Go will take over from Fletcher for the role of Fantine between 2 March and 18 April before Fletcher returns to the role until 27 July, after which Ann Go will take over the role once more. Don't miss the highly-anticipated return of the full West End  Les Miserables  production! Diehard Les Miserables fans can finally dream a dream again with the long-awaited return of the full production. Don't miss out on this huge West End event.
Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert tickets.
Während nebenan im Queens Theatre, seit April 2004 die Heimat von Boublils und Schönbergs Musicalmeisterwerk, die Umbauten auf Hochtouren laufen und die Fans sich ob der angekündigten modernisierten Fassung, die zur Wiedereröffnung gezeigt werden soll, die Köpfe heiß reden, wird quasi zur Überbrückung im Gielgud Theatre ein namhaft besetzte konzertante Bühnenfassung gezeigt. Zu dem Ensemble, das vier Monate bis zur Wiederaufnahme im dann umbenannten Sondheim Theatre, allabendlich in Kostümen in einer atemberaubenden konzertanten Version zu erleben ist, gehören Alfie Boe / John Owen-Jones als Jean Valjean Michael Ball als Javert Carrie Hope Fletcher als Fantine Shan Ako als Éponine Matt Lucas als Thénardier Katy Secombe als Mme Thénardier Rob Houchen als Marius Lily Kerhoas als Cosette Bradley Jaden als Enjolras Earl Carpenter als The Bishop Diese Cast ist eine bunte (und sehr gelungene) Mischung aus Stars der britischen Musicalszene, aktuellem Ensemble der letzten Londoner Produktion und TV-Stars. Das Theater ist bis auf den letzten Platz gefüllt und schon bei den ersten opulenten Klängen der Ouvertüre applaudiert das Publikum begeistert. Das Setting für diese konzertante Fassung ist ungemein clever – setzt sie doch das Orchester in seiner vollen Pracht in Szene. Matthew Kinley hat hier gemeinsam mit seinem Licht-Techniker Andrew Christie ganze Arbeit geleistet. Die 26 Musiker sind kaskadenförmig auf 4 Etagen platziert und werden von Alfonso Casado Trigo, hoch über allen direkt vor dem Backdrop stehend, zu Höchstleistungen angetrieben. Auch nach dem Ende der Show leert sich das Theater nur zögerlich, da die Zuschauer keinen einzigen Ton dieses Orchesters verpassen wollte. Über 50 Darstellerinnen und Darsteller füllen die Bühne bis auf den letzten Zentimeter. Zu den Auf- und Abgängen auf die Seitenbühnen kommt noch eine Öffnung mittig unterhalb des Orchesters hinzu, die sich u. a. prima als Zugang zu den Katakomben von Paris nutzen lässt. Die gewohnten Farbwelten bei den Kostümen bleiben genauso erhalten wie die düstere Umgebung. Die Barrikaden werden durch große Querstreben mit Scheinwerfern effektvoll dargestellt. Ein rundum gelungenes Bühnendesign, das den Protagonisten ausreichend Raum lässt, ihre Figuren mit Leben zu füllen. Das Marketing zielt ganz klar auf die Anziehungskraft der Stars ab – und so finden sich zahlreiche Fans von Alfie Boe, John Owen-Jones, Michael Ball und Matt Lucas in den vollen Zuschauerreihen. Jeder einzelne der oben genannten Künstler wird seinem Ruf mehr als gerecht! In der besuchten Vorstellung wurde Jean Valjean von John Owen-Jones gespielt. Dass er 1998 der jüngste Darsteller war, der jemals die Hauptrolle übernahm, merkt man ihm nicht an. Auch 20 Jahre später besticht er mit seinem stattlichen Auftreten, seiner raumgreifenden Bühnenpräsenz und seiner beachtlichen stimmlichen Bandbreite. Scheinbar spielend schraubt er sich bei „Bring him Home“ in höchste Höhen und legt soviel Gefühl in sein Spiel, dass man Gänsehaut bekommt. Michael Balls Beziehung zu „Les Misérables“ ist noch einige Jahre älter, hat er doch in der Uraufführung 1985 den Marius gespielt, was ihn über Nacht zum Publikumsliebling machte. Im „Staged Concert“ gibt er den von Valjean besessenen Inspector Javert. Bei allen Vorbehalten gegenüber einem lyrischen Tenor, der versucht in die Rolle eines Baritons zu schlüpfen, muss man Michael Ball zugestehen, dass er sich intensiv mit der Figur des Inspectors befasst hat. Er spielt starrsinnig und energisch, teilweise sogar recht angsteinflößend. Stimmlich bewegt er sich auf ungewohntem Terrain, welches er aber souverän meistert. Bei „Stars“ erklingt aber die bekannte, weiche und volle Stimme, was sehr gut zu diesem Song und der emotionalen Instabilität Javerts passt. Matt Lucas und Katy Secombe sind als Thénardiers eine Erscheinung – und dass nicht nur optisch! Ihre Sprüche und Neckereien zwischen den eigentlichen Songs sind, wie die Engländer sagen würden, „hillarious“. Das Publikum krümmt sich vor Lachen, wenn ein Matt Lucas alles mit höchster Geringschätzung kommentiert oder Katy Secombe die Eskapaden ihres Gatten mit unnachahmlich komischer Mimik quittiert. Ein wunderbares Zitat von Lucas in diesem Zusammenhang: Songtext „This ones a queer, but what can you do? “ Kommentar mit Augenzwinkern: „Oh, I would have one or two ideas what to do with him…” Der “Little Britain” Star weiß genau, wie er sein Publikum bedient! Weder Secombe noch Lucas sind besonders gute Sänger, aber ihre Rollen geben es her, dass man mit viel Improvisationstalent sehr erfolgreich von diesem Manko ablenken kann. Eine ungewöhnlich junge Fantine erwartet das Publikum in Form von Carrie Hope Fletcher. Sie spielt mit viel Gefühl, setzt sich aber gleichzeitig beeindruckend gegen die Freier zu Wehr, die ihr als Prostituierte zusetzen. Ihr sanfter und zugleich voller Sopran trifft bei „I dreamed a dream“ zielsicher mitten ins Herz. Die letztjährige „X Factor“ Teilnehmerin Shan Ako kann sich als Éponine nur schwer gegen ihre erfahreneren Kollegen behaupten. Ihre wunderbare Soulstimme gibt aber bei „On my own“ einen ungewöhnlichen Twist, der aber vom Publikum begeistert angenommen wird. Rob Houchen gibt einen selbstbewussten Marius, der genau weiß, was bzw. wen er will. Es ist ungleich viel schwerer seine Performance neutral zu genießen, wenn derjenige mit auf der Bühne steht, der diese Rolle kreiert hat, doch Houchen ist keine hemmende Ehrfurcht anzumerken. Seine Verbitterung bei „Empty chairs at empty tables“ kriecht einem sehr unangenehm den Nacken hoch. Entsprechend begeistert ist das Publikum! Die von Marius angehimmelte Cosette wird von Lily Kerhoas ganz zauberhaft gespielt. Ihr glockenklarer Sopran füllt das Gielgud Theatre bis in den letzten Winkel. Bleibt noch Bradley Jaden als Studenten-Anführer Enjolras. Selten habe ich jemanden mit so viel Energie und Verbissenheit in dieser Rolle erlebt. Die Intensität seines Spiels ist greifbar, seine Stimme geht durch Mark und Bein. „One Day More“ gerät unter seiner Führung im wahrsten Sinn zu einer Hymne! Konzertante Musicals sind immer etwas ganz Besonderes, allein schon da hier die Menschen auf der Bühne im Mittelpunkt stehen und weder Kulissen noch sonstige Effekte von ihnen ablenken. Bei „Les Misérables – The Staged Concert“ gelingt dies – nicht zuletzt wegen der herausragenden Cast – in Perfektion. Ob die „neue“ Inszenierung die seit fast 35 Jahren anhaltende Begeisterung aufrechterhalten kann, bleibt abzuwarten. Wenn sich Mitte Dezember 2019 der Vorhang im Sondheim Theatre hebt, werden die Zuschauer die Produktion von James Powell und Laurence Connor sehen, die bereits anlässlich des 25-jährgen Jubiläums 2010 für drei Wochen im Barbican Centre zu sehen war. Man darf gespannt sein, wie langjährigen Fans die neue Version aufnehmen. Maßgebliche Bestandteile dieser neuen Fassung, wie die Backdrop-Projektionen, das Lichtdesign und auch die Regie-Arbeit, werden jedoch bereits sehr erfolgreich im Gielgud Theatre eingesetzt – die Zeichen stehen also gut für den „Neuanfang“. Michaela Flint Theater: Gielgud Theatre, London Besuchte Vorstellung: 3. Oktober 2019 Darsteller: John Owen-Jones, Michael Ball, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Shan Ako, Matt Lucas, Katy Secombe, Rob Houchen, Lily Kerhoas, Bradley Jaden, Earl Carpenter Regie / Musik: James Powell & Laurence Connor / Alain Boublil & Claude-Michel Schönberg Fotos: Seamus Ryan, Delfont Mackintosh, Michaela Flint.
Cameron Mackintosh s spectacular sell-out staged concert version of Boublil & Schönbergs legendary musical Les Misérables – The Staged Concert arrives in US cinemas this Sunday, December 8 & Wednesday, December 11 from the Gielgud Theatre in London. Seen by over 120 million people worldwide,  Les Misérables  is undisputedly one of the worlds most popular musicals – and now  Les Misérables – The Staged Concert  is the must-see event for all fans of musical theatre and event cinema.  Tickets available here. Leading an outstanding cast and orchestra of over 65 are  Michael Ball  (Javert)   Alfie Boe  (Jean Valjean) Carrie Hope Fletcher  (Fantine) and  Matt Lucas  (Thénardier) who perform the songs  I Dreamed A Dream, Bring Him Home, One Day More,  On My Own  and many more.  This incredibly rare, sensational cinematic event is not to be missed. Cameron Mackintosh presents Boublil & Schönbergs legendary musical  Les Misérables – The Staged Concert. Based on the novel by Victor Hugo Music by Claude-Michel Schönberg Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer Original French Text by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel. Cameron Mackintosh said:  “The extraordinary sell-out success and response to our spectacular new theatrical concert staging of Les Misérables has been phenomenal so we are thrilled to give cinema audiences around North America the opportunity to experience this stunning production. Starring our entirely brilliant London cast headed by Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, Carrie Hope Fletcher and Matt Lucas, our 16-week limited season at the Gielgud sold out in a few days but now you can storm the barricades to ensure you catch this thrilling performance direct from the West End in a cinema near you. For the masses of disappointed fans who couldnt get to see this amazing concert in London the cinema event will be a unique shared experience of thrilling drama, glorious music and sensational singing performed by an amazing all-star cast and orchestra of over 65 – the like of which you will have never seen before.  If you have ever Dreamed a Dream – this is it! ” Related Topics Les Miserables Les Miserables - The Staged Concert Les Misérables – The Staged Concert in Cinemas Across North America This SUNDAY 12/8 & Wednesday 12/11 Troy Anderson is the Owner/Editor-in-Chief of AndersonVision. He uses a crack team of unknown heroes to bring you the latest and greatest in Entertainment News.

231 deaf people where clicking this video. IMDB TT11229886 LES MISÉRABLES: THE STAGED concert à paris. Cameron Mackintosh today (6 February 2019) announces that for 16 weeks only Michael Ball (Javert) Alfie Boe (Jean Valjean) Carrie Hope Fletcher (Fantine) and Matt Lucas (Thénardier) will lead a large cast and orchestra of over sixty-five in the concert version of Les Misérables.   Katy Secombe also joins to play Madame Thénardier and for three performances a week, the role of Jean Valjean will be played by John Owen-Jones.  Further casting will be announced shortly. This spectacular staging of the legendary concert, previously seen in London at the Royal Albert Hall and the O2 Arena, will run from 10 August – 30 November 2019 at the intimate Gielgud Theatre next door to the current home of Les Misérables at the Queens Theatre.  Public booking opens at 12noon (GMT) on Thursday 7 February 2019. Cameron Mackintosh said:  “ The success of Les Misérables continues to amaze me and break new ground.  Despite the fact the show continues to play to 95% capacity we have been obliged to close the production at the Queens Theatre for 16 weeks this Autumn to do much needed includes restoring the ceiling plasterwork and the auditorium, adding many more lavatories, as well as carrying out major renovations backstage, which havent been touched since the 1940s. The theatre was heavily damaged during World War II and has never been properly restored and brought up to modern standards. ” “Les Misérables is the only musical ever that has been equally successful on stage, film, in concert and in the classroom.  Its spectacular staged concerts are legendary successes, just as popular as the stage show.  I am thrilled that the plan to keep Les Misérables running in London with a staged concert version on Shaftesbury Avenue during the enforced closure period has attracted such a stellar cast, with Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, Carrie Hope Fletcher, John Owen Jones, Matt Lucas and Katy Secombe, who all have a very close personal connection to the history of the show. Of course I am a bit miserable that Michael, the gorgeous young actor that created the student Marius in the original production, is now for the first time old enough to play the implacable inspector Javert, an amazing match for Alfies career defining portrayal of Jean Valjean. ” “I know fans are in for a unique and amazing experience from our huge Company who will be performing in the glorious intimate theatrical space of the Gielgud Theatre Produced on stage by Mackintosh, Les Misérables is the worlds longest running musical now in its 34 th year in London.   Its celebrated score includes the songs, I Dreamed a Dream, On My Own, Stars, Bring Him Home, Do You Hear the People Sing? One Day More, Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, Master Of The House and many more.  Produced on screen also by Mackintosh (along with Working Title and Universal) Les Misérables is now the most successful movie of an ‘original stage musical. The Original London production currently at the Queens Theatre (following runs at the Barbican and the Palace Theatre) will play until 13 July 2019 when the theatre will then close for four months of rebuilding work both backstage and in the auditorium as well as adding many much-needed new lavatories to the front of house.  This work will also restore architect W. G. Spragues original boxes and loges which, along with the entire front of house, were destroyed by a bomb in 1940 and caused the theatre to be closed for 20 years.  The restored Queens Theatre will reopen in December of 2019 with a new production of Les Misérables continuing its phenomenal run indefinitely, with a new West End company being put together now. The new production of Les Misérables, with a separate company, is currently on a record-breaking international tour, sold out a year in advance through to January 2020 which has now been extended to Autumn 2021.  Box office for the additional dates will open shortly.

Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert schedule. Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert seating. Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert chicago. IMDB TT11229886 LES MISÉRABLES: THE STAGED. No wonder they chose Samantha to be in the film too. Genre Concert Performance Synopsis For an extremely limited and exclusive run in 2019, this iconic musical will be performed as a staged concert version at the Gielgud Theatre on the West End, featuring the beloved songs I Dreamed a Dream and Bring Him Home, with a cast and orchestra of over 65 people. The all-star cast for this incredible production will include the return of Michael Ball (Javert) Alfie Boe (Jean Valjean) Carrie Hope Fletcher (Fantine) and Matt Lucus (Thenardier.

Am I the only one that can see the huge irony of Les Mis at The Royal Variety Performance. Colm Wilkinson is by far the best Valjean ever. The control he has with his voice is incredible. Really liked this video! All the best. Love the energy. Alfie and Michael should both play the PHANTOM IN POTO.

For one night only, Cameron Mackintoshs spectacular sell-out staged concert version of Boublil & Schönbergs legendary musical, Les Misérables – The Staged Concert will be broadcast live in cinemas across the UK, Ireland and the United States on Monday, 2 December 2019 from the Gielgud Theatre in London. Seen by over 120 million people worldwide, Les Misérables is undisputedly one of the worlds most popular musicals – and now Les Misérables – The Staged Concert is the must-see event for all fans of musical theatre and live event cinema. Tickets are on sale Monday, 4 November – you can book tickets here. There will be a lottery to buy tickets for the filmed performance at the Gielgud Theatre in London on Monday, 2 December at 7pm. Patrons can enter the lottery online via at 11. 45am GMT on Friday, 8 November. When the lottery begins at 12pm, winners will be randomly taken to the booking pages where they will be able to book up to 2 tickets for the performance. Leading an outstanding cast and orchestra of over 65 are Michael Ball (Javert) Alfie Boe (Jean Valjean) Carrie Hope Fletcher (Fantine) and Matt Lucas (Thénardier) who perform the songs I Dreamed A Dream, Bring Him Home, One Day More, On My Own and many more. This sensational one night only cinematic live event is not to be missed. Cameron Mackintosh said: “The extraordinary sell-out success and response to our spectacular new theatrical concert staging of Les Misérables has been phenomenal so we are thrilled to add one final extra performance on 2 December which will be streamed LIVE to cinema audiences around the UK, Ireland and the US. Starring our entirely brilliant London cast headed by Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, Carrie Hope Fletcher and Matt Lucas, our 16 week limited season at the Gielgud sold out in a few days but now you can storm the barricades to ensure you catch this thrilling live performance direct from the West End in a cinema near you. For the masses of disappointed fans who couldnt get to see this amazing concert in London this live event will be a unique shared experience of thrilling drama, glorious music and sensational singing performed by an amazing all-star cast and orchestra of over 65 – the like of which you will have never seen before. If you have ever Dreamed a Dream – this is it! ” Cameron Mackintosh presents Boublil & Schönbergs legendary musical Les Misérables – The Staged Concert. Based on the novel by Victor Hugo Music by Claude-Michel Schönberg Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer Original French Text by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel.

Gavroche forever. IMDB TT11229886 LES MISÉRABLES: THE STAGED concert dates. Cameron Mackintosh presents Boublil & Sch önberg's Les Misérables: The Staged Concert. Based on the novel by Victor Hugo. Music by Claude-Michel Sch önberg. Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer. Original French text by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel. Seen by over 120 million people worldwide, Les Misérables is undisputedly one of the worlds most popular musicals. Coinciding with its 35th triumphant year in Londons West End, Cameron Mackintosh produced a spectacular sell-out staged concert version at the Gielgud Theatre featuring an all-star cast including Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Matt Lucas and John Owen Jones. Now cinema audiences can experience a live broadcast of the musical phenomenon which broke box office records and sold out its entire 16 week season. Featuring a cast and orchestra of over 65 and including the songs I Dreamed A Dream, Bring Him Home, One Day More and On My Own this sensational staged concert is not to be missed - an absolute must-see for any fans of musical theatre or live event cinema. Duration 2 hours 50 minutes (including a 15 min interval) Cast Alfie Boe, Carrie Hope Fletcher, John Owen Jones, Matt Lucas, Michael Ball.

LONDON, ENGLAND - AUGUST 21: L to R) Bradley Jaden, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Matt Lucas, Claude-Michel. Schonberg, Michael Ball, Alain Boublil, Alfie Boe, Sir Cameron Mackintosh, Katy Secombe, Shan Ako, Rob Houchen and Lily Kerhoas bow at the curtain call during the press night performance of "Les Miserables: The Staged Concert" at The Gielgud Theatre on August 21, 2019 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images) Dave Benett/Getty Images For two nights only, the West End is coming to the big screen, bringing the current sold-out production of Cameron Mackintosh's Les Miserables - The Staged Concert   to cinemas nationwide exclusively on December 8th & 11th. Starring Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, Carrie Hope Fletcher, and Matt Lucas, the live staged concert has sold out its entire 16 show run in the UK, drawing lines of up to 20, 000 at the box office, for fans to catch this very special limited engagement, and now American audiences can experience all of the magic at their local movie theater.  The event is being distributed by Trafalgar Releasing. This elaborate production of the songs from the beloved musical has run from August through November 30th at the Gielgud Theatre in London and now comes to cinema screens. Leading an outstanding cast and orchestra of over 65 are Michael Ball (Javert) Alfie Boe (Jean Valjean) Carrie Hope Fletcher (Fantine) and Matt Lucas (Thénardier) who perform the songs I Dreamed A Dream, Bring Him Home, One Day More, On My Own and many more. The London event was widely praised by critics, with Baz Bamigboye from The Daily Mail saying, “ Les Miz rocks to the rafters — generating megawatts of electricity. This is also one of the most intimate and tremendously moving Les Miz experiences Ive ever had. ” Gaby Roslin from BBC Radio London added, “I loved it, what a night! It was wonderful, beautifully staged and works so beautifully as a concert. It was truly superb and actually breathed new life into a show I know so well and love and have seen many times. ” Seen by over 120 million people worldwide, Les Misérables is undeniably one of the worlds most popular musicals and has spawned more than a dozen cinematic versions and several television adaptations including last years presentation on PBS in America which featured Dominic West, David Oyelowo, Lily Collins and Ellie Bamber. Discussing the reaction to the concert event, producer Cameron Mackintosh states, “ The extraordinary sell-out success and response to our spectacular new theatrical concert staging of Les Misérables has been phenomenal so we are thrilled to give cinema audiences around North America the opportunity to experience this stunning production. Our 16 week limited season at the Gielgud sold out in a few days but now you can storm the barricades to ensure you catch this thrilling performance direct from the West End in a cinema near you. For the masses of disappointed fans who couldn't get to see this amazing concert in London the cinema event will be a unique shared experience of thrilling drama, glorious music and sensational singing performed by an amazing all-star cast and orchestra of over 65 - the like of which you will have never seen before. If you have ever Dreamed a Dream - this is it! ” Tickets for US cinemas are now available at Les Misérables – The Staged Concert will be shown in Canadian theaters on December 12. Tickets for Canadian locations are available at.

Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert show.

Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert band

36:57 The Confrontation. Why is this HORRIBLE orchestration version still a thing ? It was awful in 2012 and it is still awful and has totally RUINED this song. And why are people so PROFOUNDLY STUPID THAT I MUST KEEP POINTING IT OUT TO THEM. Please film this. If you are looking for the Les Miserables   at the Sondheim Theatre (formerly the Queen's Theatre)   which is set to reopen with a new production from 18 December 2019, please click here. Les Miserables: The All-Star Staged Concert tickets  now on sale! Les Miserables: The All-Star Staged Concert is based on the legendary concerts which were seen at The Royal Albert Hall and the O2 Arena. The record-breaking run of Les Miserables in the West End continues into its 34th year with this incredible staged concert which is running at the Gielgud Theatre for 16 weeks only.  Les Miserables: The All-Star Staged Concert tickets are going to be in incredibly high demand as this production brings together a phenomenal cast including  Michael Ball,  Alfie Boe,  Carrie Hope Fletcher  and  Matt Lucas. Do not miss your opportunity to see legends of the stage come together for this extremely limited run. Hear the people sing and let yourself be transported to the world of Les Miserables. Follow Jean Valjean as he tries desperately to leave his former life behind, and the Police Inspector, Javert, who is determined to see that his definition of justice is served. Jean Valjean has a new life and a new name but the shadow of Javert looms large, and in the distance, there is the sound of drums. Revolution is marching through the streets of Paris. The cast of  Les Miserables: The All-Star Staged Concert The large cast and more than 65-member strong orchestra of this production will be led by  Michael Ball  playing Javert,  Alfie Boe  as his nemesis Jean Valjean*  Carrie Hope Fletcher  bringing Fantine to life on the stage and  Matt Lucas  portraying Thénardier. They will be joined by  Katy Secombe  as   Madame Thénardier and for three performances a week, the role of Jean Valjean will be played by  John Owen-Jones. Michael Ball  returns to this show more than 30 years after originating the role of Marius Pontmercy in the world premiere of  Les Miserables. The role brought him recognition and launched a successful career both as an actor and recording artist. Ball would go on to win two Oliver Awards for Best Actor in a Musical for his roles in  Hairspray  and the revival of  Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Ball returns to sing Javert after his performance at The 25th Anniversary Concert of Les Misérables in which he sung the same role, and on which the limited run production is based. Longtime friend of Michael Ball,  Alfie Boe, has been internationally lauded for his performances as Jean Valjean. In addition to his Tony award-winning role in  Baz Luhrmann's  La Boheme, his performances on various albums and at events around the world have brought him critical acclaim. He most recently performed in Broadway's 2016 production of  Finding Neverland  and on the West End stage in 2017's  Carousel. Carrie Hope Fletcher  joins the cast hot off the staggering success of her portrayal of Veronica in  Heathers The Musical  which played at both The Other Palace and the Theatre Royal Haymarket. Having previously played Éponine, this time Fletcher will take to the stage as Fantine.  Matt Lucas,  perhaps best known for his roles in televisions series like  Little Britain  and  Doctor Who, is also no stranger to Les Miserables. He sang the role of Thénardier at the 25th-anniversary concerts and went on to do a short run playing the character at the Queen's Theatre. He now returns to the role for the  Les Miserables: The All-Star Staged Concert at London's Gielgud Theatre. Les Miserables Then and Now Les Miserables: The All-Star Staged Concert comes to the Gielgud Theatre while the current home of Les Miserables, the Queen's Theatre is scheduled to be refurbished. Playing until 13 July 2019,  tickets for the current production of  Les Miserables  can be booked until the run closes. Once the restored Queens Theatre is reopened in December of 2019  a new production of  Les Misérables, based on the UK tour production, will continue in its West End home with a new West End cast in residence. Les Miserables: The All-Star Staged Concert tickets are among the most sought after in London, so book now. This extremely limited 16-week run brings together an all-star cast which means you need to book tickets to  Les Miserables: The All-Star Staged Concert early to avoid disappointment and guarantee the best seats at the best prices. The role of Jean Valjean will be shared between Alfie Boe and John Owen-Jones, for the cast schedule please pay attention to the Special Notice below.

Les Mis literally changed my life. I was 15 when it touched my life, and now I have a 16 year old daughter whose life is just being changed by it. IMDB TT11229886 LES MISÉRABLES: THE STAGED concerts hors festivals. Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert los angeles. Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert date. 22:08 Lovely Ladies. Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert youtube. I do hope that Les Miserables The Staged Concert at the Gielgud Theatre in London does do a filmed performance of the show for DVD release from Steam Motion & Sound and Universal for Christmas 2019 fingers crossed.

Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert 2016. Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert video. When I was 10 i saw this cast on Broadway. OMG I loved this cast. Michael Ball, Colm Wilkinson are AMAZING! I love Philip Quast and Lea Solanga. Lea was amazing in Miss Siagon as well. I reckon lea salonga is the best eponine. Cameron Mackintosh presents Boublil & Sch önberg's Les Misérables: The Staged Concert. Based on the novel by Victor Hugo. Music by Claude-Michel Sch önberg. Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer. Original French text by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel. Seen by over 120 million people worldwide, Les Misérables is undisputedly one of the worlds most popular musicals. Coinciding with its 35th triumphant year in Londons West End, Cameron Mackintosh produced a spectacular sell-out staged concert version at the Gielgud Theatre featuring an all-star cast including Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Matt Lucas and John Owen Jones. Now cinema audiences can experience a live broadcast of the musical phenomenon which broke box office records and sold out its entire 16 week season. Featuring a cast and orchestra of over 65 and including the songs I Dreamed A Dream, Bring Him Home, One Day More and On My Own this sensational staged concert is not to be missed - an absolute must-see for any fans of musical theatre or live event cinema. Duration 2 hours 50 minutes (including a 15 min interval) Cast Alfie Boe, Carrie Hope Fletcher, John Owen Jones, Matt Lucas, Michael Ball.

IMDB TT11229886 LES MISÉRABLES: THE STAGED concert. Melodious voice. Love. This is by far the best cast they ever had. Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert dates. So this is what he does when he leaves the coffee kiosk.

Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert 2018

IMDB TT11229886 LES MISÉRABLES: THE STAGED concert photos. Ball and boe are making a new album called back together. If they dont do the confrontation they would have missed a huge opportunity. Photos Add Image Add an image Do you have any images for this title? Learn more More Like This Drama, Music Musical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8. 8 / 10 X A celebratory 25th anniversary concert performance of the hit musical at The O2 in London. Director: Nick Morris Stars: Alfie Boe, Norm Lewis, Matt Lucas 7. 2 / 10 A humourously musical retelling of the Biblical story of Joseph (Donny Osmond. David Mallet Donny Osmond, Maria Friedman, Richard Attenborough A disfigured musical genius, hidden away in the Paris Opera House, terrorizes the opera company for the unwitting benefit of a young protégée whom he trains and loves. Directors: Nick Morris, Laurence Connor Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, Hadley Fraser Romance 8. 1 / 10 Jo March reflects back and forth on her life, telling the beloved story of the March sisters - four young women each determined to live life on their own terms. Greta Gerwig Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh Comedy 6. 5 / 10 Based on the novel by Charles Dickens. Armando Iannucci Dev Patel, Hugh Laurie, Tilda Swinton. 10 A filmed version of the revived Broadway musical Les Miserables. Will Swenson, Caissie Levy Action Adventure 7 / 10 In Jumanji: The Next Level, the gang is back but the game has changed. As they return to rescue one of their own, the players will have to brave parts unknown from arid deserts to snowy mountains, to escape the world's most dangerous game. Jake Kasdan Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, Kevin Hart Kate is a young woman subscribed to bad decisions. Working as an elf in a year round Christmas store is not good for the wannabe singer. However, she meets Tom there. Her life takes a new turn. For Kate, it seems too good to be true. Paul Feig Madison Ingoldsby, Emma Thompson, Boris Isakovic Biography 6. 6 / 10 Balloon pilot Amelia Wren and scientist James Glaisher find themselves in an epic fight for survival while attempting to make discoveries in a gas balloon in the 1860s. Tom Harper Felicity Jones, Eddie Redmayne, Himesh Patel Crime An American expat tries to sell off his highly profitable marijuana empire in London, triggering plots, schemes, bribery and blackmail in an attempt to steal his domain out from under him. Guy Ritchie Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Michelle Dockery A couple's first date takes an unexpected turn when a police officer pulls them over. Melina Matsoukas Daniel Kaluuya, Jodie Turner-Smith, Bokeem Woodbine An embattled NYPD detective is thrust into a citywide manhunt for a pair of cop killers after uncovering a massive and unexpected conspiracy. Brian Kirk Chadwick Boseman, Sienna Miller, J. K. Simmons Edit Storyline Seen by over 120 million people worldwide one of the world's most popular musicals. Now cinema audiences can experience a live broadcast of the musical phenomenon which broke box office records and sold out its entire 16-week season. Plot Summary Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 2 December 2019 (USA) See more  » Also Known As: Les Misérables: The Staged Concert Box Office Opening Weekend USA: 192, 034, 8 December 2019 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: 5, 019, 488 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  ».

Alfie Boe for me - such a magnificent voice. Wait are those prisoners who sing look down actually are International cast of Valjean l?because I am pretty sure I saw Jeff Leyton who from Irish version. IMDB TT11229886 LES MISÉRABLES: THE STAGED concert band. Got my ticket. Going in November. Yay.

Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert 2

When is the dvd of the last show of the original production at west end coming. The all-star Les Misérables staged concert will be broadcast live in cinemas on 2 December, it has been announced. A screening of the all-star staged concert will play across the UK, Ireland and the USA, with tickets going on sale on 4 November. Cameron Mackintosh has also announced an album and DVD release in early 2020 and that the concert production will tour the UK and overseas later in 2020 and in 2021. The production currently stars Alfie Boe as Jean Valjean (with John Owen-Jones taking on the role in certain performances) Michael Ball as Javert, Carrie Hope Fletcher as Fantine, Shan Ako as Eponine, Lily Kerhoas as Cosette, Rob Houchen as Marius, Matt Lucas as Thénardier, Katy Secombe as Madame Thénardier and Bradley Jaden as Enjolras. There will be a lottery to buy tickets and see the filmed performance in-person at the Gielgud Theatre in London, which launches at 12pm on 8 November. Patrons can enter the lottery online from 11:45am, with winners picked at random to book up to 2 tickets for the performance. Cameron Mackintosh said: The extraordinary sell-out success and response to our spectacular new theatrical concert staging of Les Misérables has been phenomenal so we are thrilled to add one final extra performance on 2 December which will be streamed LIVE to cinema audiences around the UK, Ireland and the US.  Starring our entirely brilliant London cast headed by Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, Carrie Hope Fletcher and Matt Lucas, our 16 week limited season at the Gielgud sold out in a few days but now you can storm the barricades to ensure you catch this thrilling live performance direct from the West End in a cinema near you. The full production returns to the newly refurbished and renamed Sondheim Theatre (previously the Queen's Theatre) on 18 December. Ako, Fletcher and Kerhoas will remain in their roles, with Jon Robyns taking over as Jean Valjean, Jaden playing Javert, Harry Apps playing Marius, Gerard Carey playing Thénardier, Josefina Gabrielle playing Madame Thénardier and Ashley Gilmour playing Enjolras. Rachelle Ann Go will take on the role of Fantine from Fletcher between 2 March and 18 April and then from 27 July onwards. Loading. Loading...

Wheres the Bonnie Tyler footage. Colm Wilkinson just makes my soul cry every time I hear him sing Bring Him Home. BBC Radio 2 - Les Miserables In Concert This programme is not currently available Matt Lucas presents a selection of musical renditions from the spectacular performance of Les Miserables: The All-Star Staged Concertbles in concert. Show more Matt Lucas presents a spectacular staging of the legendary Les Misérables concert, which took place at the intimate Gielgud Theatre next door to the current home of Les Misérables at the Queens Theatre. The large cast and more than 65-member strong orchestra of this production will be led by Michael Ball playing Javert, Alfie Boe as his nemesis Jean Valjean, Carrie Hope Fletcher bringing Fantine to life on the stage and Matt Lucas portraying Thénardier. They will be joined by Katy Secombe as Madame Thénardier and for three performances a week, the role of Jean Valjean will be played by John Owen-Jones. Michael Ball returns to this show more than 30 years after originating the role of Marius Pontmercy in the world premiere of Les Miserables. Ball returns to sing Javert after his performance at The 25th Anniversary Concert of Les Misérables in which he sung the same role, and on which the limited run production is based. Longtime friend of Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, has been internationally lauded for his performances as Jean Valjean. Carrie Hope Fletcher joins the cast hot off the staggering success of her portrayal of Veronica in Heathers The Musical which played at both The Other Palace and the Theatre Royal Haymarket. Matt Lucas, perhaps best known for his roles in televisions series like Little Britain and Doctor Who, is also no stranger to Les Miserables. He sang the role of Thénardier at the 25th-anniversary concerts and went on to do a short run playing the character at the Queen's Theatre. He now returns to the role for the Les Miserables: The All-Star Staged Concert at London's Gielgud Theatre. Show less Last on.

IMDB TT11229886 LES MISÉRABLES: THE STAGED concert live. Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert album. Imdb tt11229886 les misérables: the staged concert lyrics. Les Miserables: The Staged Concert in Cinemas, Les Miserables Showtimes & Tickets, Vue What's on Big Screen Events Inside Vue Offers Gift Cards Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube My account Log in Join Close Cameron Mackintosh presents a spectacular sell-out staged concert version of 'Les Miserables' featuring an all-star cast. Cinema audiences can now experience a live broadcast of the musical phenomenon which broke box office records. Read the full synopsis Full film details Read less Off-peak is weekdays before, excl. public holidays Off Peak prices from plus 75p booking fee Peak prices from plus 75p booking fee Show More play Upcoming showings for { prefix, lowercase. short} No sessions for today. Select Get All Times & Tickets below to choose date and time. No times showing at this venue currently Past midnight showings Get all times & tickets 1917 Bad Boys for Life Dolittle Little Women Sorry There are currently no regular seats for this showing. Please choose another seat type or, if none available, an alternative screening time.

Nardole, what have you been up to. Soo happy for you that you finally met your role model 😍 this was such a heartwarming vlog, thank you for sharing❤️. 99th like.




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